September 26, 2011

Fall Compositions

Part of my first architecture assignment:

A building is not an end in itself; it frames, articulates, structures, gives significance, relates, separates and unites, facilitates and prohibits. Consequently, basic architectural experiences have a verb form rather than being nouns.
-Juhani Pallasmaa, The Eyes of the Skin 

A dictionary begins when it no longer gives the meaning of words, but their jobs.
-George Bataille 

July 23, 2011

More Disposables

hiking San Ysidro with the chikas. there was a swarm of bees following us up here. not cool.

last day in maui with maria

flavor of india

butterfly beach with the relative.  if you don't want to see anyone don't go to this beach it is a scene.

making cupcakes for the 4th. turns out we used to much red food dye for the frosting and the red ones were basically toxic. red #40=the best way to love amerikuh


July 10, 2011

June 14, 2011

May 23, 2011


thousands of bouncy balls down the streets of SF for a commercial

May 21, 2011


keep some of these in your car...

for when you need to voice your opinion to those other drivers out there.